
St John’s College is located in Hastings. We are a boys secondary Catholic College with a roll of 385 incorporating Years 9-13.

St John’s College offers its students a first-rate education within a very supportive Christian community. We have a clear philosophy that is based on our Catholic Special Character and our Marist traditions. This philosophy is to help all students develop the talents that God has given them and to assist them to become responsible citizens and committed Christians.

We provide stimulating academic programmes with an emphasis on literacy and numeracy, a huge range of sporting and cultural opportunities and a great school spirit. Leadership opportunities are provided through our Prefects and vertical House Class system. There is healthy inter-house competition.

We have high expectations for our students, who enjoy their schooling. We have an excellent Board of Trustees, an energetic Senior Management Team and a talented staff who have expertise in dealing with young men.

St John’s College has a proud rugby tradition, with the 1st XV enjoying great success in the past. Several players have represented Hawke’s Bay and the Hurricanes, and a large number play in the local club premier competition. The school plans to return to those days soon. This year it has established a rugby academy and has provided a substantially improved junior and U15 program.

The college has long standing traditional fixtures against other Catholic boys’ schools including St Patrick’s Town, Francis Douglas Memorial College, Hato Paora College, St John’s College (Hamilton), Bishop Viard College (Wellington) and St Bernard’s College (Wellington). It enjoys a strong cross town rivalry with Lindisfarne College and hopes to regain the ascendancy in this battle in the near future.

It highly values its place in the CNI competition, as recruitment and retention of players is very competitive in the Hawke’s Bay, with five boys’ schools battling over a small pool of players. The CNI competition provides the school with an important focus for these players.

Ritchie Williams Coach

Brad Hyde Assistant Coach

George Rogers Assistant Coach

Rochelle Williams 1st XV Manager

1st XV Squad 2023

  • Lohefo ALANUUESE
  • Viane BROWN
  • Harry CAMPBELL
  • Jontay FERGUSSON
  • Adam FIRTH
  • Cramer HANNON
  • Myles HARDING
  • Connor HAWKINS
  • Elijah HUTCHINS
  • Carter JONES
  • Fuao KATOA
  • Villiami KATOA
  • Vaydah MATCHITT
  • Patrick MAUGA
  • Brock MCGRATH
  • Matakai NGALU
  • Albert PARKER
  • Campbell ROGERS
  • Freddie SALTER
  • Rustom SCHAARE
  • Isaac SKEWS
  • Tebwaatau TANGAU
  • Siosaia TOKAI
  • Oliver TUANAKI
  • Toko TURIPA
  • Vincent VO
  • 2015 – The 2015 U15 team shared the Lindisfarne U15 Tournament title with Lindisfarne College, beating two other CNI U15 teams on the way to the final. The 2016 U15 team has also started strongly, and will be out to win the local Hawkes Bay competition and defend its Tournament title. The College is very hopeful that this young talent brings titles to the premier team in the near future.
  • 2013 – Unbeaten on the 2013 Australian tour, including a win against ACT Champions, Canberra Grammar; Won traditional matches against Bishop Viard and Hato Paora
  • 2012 – Finished 5th in inaugural CNI in 2012
  • 2007 – Silverstream College and narrowly lost to NBHS
  • All Blacks – Greg Cooper and Matthew Cooper
  • All Black Trialist – Neil Sorenson
  • Hurricanes – Jonah Lowe, Chris Eaton
  • Hawkes Bay Squad – Joseph Penitito, Jonah Lowe
  • All Black Manager – Darren Shand

Jervois Street
PO Box 14008
Hastings 4159

+64 6 878 6853
+64 6 878 1253
[email protected]

Head of Rugby
Tony McBride
[email protected]


Lost 0-38v Rathkeale College
Lost 0-90v Feilding High School
Lost 17-43v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 10-74v Lindisfarne College
Lost 26-74v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 10-55v St John’s College
Lost 7-61v Wesley College
Lost 26-32v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 17-47v St Peter’s School


Won 29-27v Rathkeale College
Lost 13-34v Feilding High School
Lost 5-62v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 19-31v Lindisfarne College
Lost 5-45v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 0-83v St John’s College
Lost 7-38v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 5-43v St Peter’s School
Lost 15-60v Wesley College
Lost 29-31v Rathkeale College


Lost 19-24v Rathkeale College
Lost 20-48v Feilding High School
Lost 10-34v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 5-46v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 0-82v St John’s College
Lost 14-40v Wesley College
Lost 5-55v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 5-24v Lindisfarne College
Lost 7-57v St Peter’s School
Won 26-17v Rathkeale College


Lost 17-24v Rathkeale College
Lost 12-22v Feilding High School
Lost 19-57v St John’s College
Lost 14-26v Wesley College
Lost 12-38v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 10-56v Whanganui Collegiate School
Won 25-15v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 17-29v Lindisfarne College
Lost 7-50v St Peter’s School
Lost 17-22v Francis Douglas Memorial College


Lost 0-38v Feilding High School
Lost 20-22v Lindisfarne College
Lost 20-22v Rathkeale College
Lost 3-26v Whanganui Collegiate School
Won 36-12v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Won 20-14v Rathkeale College


Won 29-17v St John’s College
Won 19-15v Rathkeale College
Lost 13-24v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 0-69v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 18-41v St Peter’s School
Lost 22-66v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 5-39v Lindisfarne College
Lost 33-69v Wesley College
Lost 26-62v Feilding High School


Lost 3-22v Rathkeale College
Lost 0-48v Lindisfarne College
Lost 5-46v Wesley College
Lost 17-55v Feilding High School
Won 40-10v Te Aute College
Lost 10-25v St John’s College
Lost 5-35v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Won 22-19v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 12-75v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 10-52v St Peter’s School


Lost 7-73v Feilding High School
Lost 3-52v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 15-28v Te Aute College
Lost 7-43v St Peter’s School
Lost 0-15v Rathkeale College
Lost 14-44v Lindisfarne College
Lost 5-57v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 3-73v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 0-78v Wesley College


Lost 5-40v Lindisfarne College
Lost 7-45v Rathkeale College
Lost 0-65v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 0-60v Wesley College
Lost by defaultv Feilding High School
Lost 10-52v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 7-52v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 20-41v St Peter’s School


Lost 12-37v Lindisfarne College
Lost 5-44v St Peter’s School
Lost 0-97v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 10-76v Feilding High School
Lost 10-48v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 22-56v Whanganui Collegiate School
Drew 12-12v Rathkeale College


Lost 22-31v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 0-52v St Paul’s Collegiate School
Lost 3-17v Lindisfarne College
Lost 13-34v St Peter’s School
Lost 5-25v Rathkeale College
Lost 3-36v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 3-55v Feilding High School


Won 38-12v Rathkeale College
Lost 8-56v Lindisfarne College
Lost 5-69v Wesley College
Lost 0-95v Feilding High School
Won 36-25v Te Aute College
Lost 20-32v Francis Douglas Memorial College
Lost 17-31v Whanganui Collegiate School
Lost 26-62v St Paul’s Collegiate School